Hard Reset LG D802TA G2 - dk hard reset android phones


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Monday, October 23, 2017

Hard Reset LG D802TA G2

Hard Reset LG D802TA G2

First method:

  1. In order to switch off your phone press and hold the Power button.Hard Reset LG D802TA G2
  2. Afterwards press and hold Volume Down + Power Button together for a couple of seconds.HardReset LG D802TA G2
  3. Release held keys when the LG logo appears on the screen.
  4. Now, you should see factory reset menu with the following options.Remove screen password LG D802TA G2
  5. Confirm process by pressing Power button twice. Hard Reset LG D802TA G2
  6. Now your phone should restart.
  7. Success! The hard reset has just been completed.

Second method:

  1. If the display is off, press the Power to turn it back on. Hard Reset LG D802TA G2
  2. Afterwards go to Settings and then to Backup & reset.
  3. Tap Reset Phone
  4. Choose Erase Everything if you are sure you want to clear all your data. 
  5. Select OK to confirm the whole operation.
  6. Well done!
(Español) Hard Reset LG G2 - D802 - Quitar patrón de seguridad
HARD RESET: LG G2 LITE D295F ( Celular10 )
tasti hardreset e downloadmode lg g2
Hard Reset will erase all of your data
All described operations you are doing at your own risk.

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