Hard Reset HTC Rhyme - dk hard reset android phones


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Saturday, June 6, 2015


Hard Reset HTC Rhyme

Hard Reset HTC Rhyme

First method:

  1. At the beginning turn off phone by pressing Power button..com/blogger_img_proxy/
  2. Press and hold together Volume Down + Power button..com/blogger_img_proxy/
  3. Release holded buttons if you see Bootloader menu..com/blogger_img_proxy/
  4. Navigate to "FACTORY RESET" to browse by using Volume buttons, and to choose by usingPower button.
  5. Afterwards phone will restart itself.

Second method:

  1. Start by going to Setting.
  2. Tap SD & phone storage.
  3. Select Factory data reset.
  4. Search Reset phone and select it.
  5. Tap Erase everything if you want wipe your device totally.
  6. Press the OK.
Hard Reset will erase all of your data
All described operations you are doing at your own risk.

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